7 June 2021 (Local time in Hong Kong)
09:45 - 10:00am
Workshop chairs
10:00 - 11:00am
Keynote 1:
BadUSB-C: Revisiting BadUSB with Type-C
- Fengwei Zhang, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
11:00 - 12:00pm
Session on Software Security:
- Crafting Adversarial Email Content against Machine Learning Based Spam Email Detection
Chenran Wang, Danyi Zhang, Suye Huang, Xiangyang Li and Leah Ding
- A Systematic Hardening of Java's Information Hiding
Philipp Holzinger and Eric Bodden
13:00 - 14:30pm
Session on Security by Design:
- Secure distributed applications the DECENT way
Haofan Zheng and Owen Arden
- Verification Method of Key-Exchange Protocols with a Small Amount of Input using Tamarin Prover
Misato Nakabayashi and Yuki Okano
- TRAITOR: A Low-cost Evaluation Platform for Multifault Injection
Ludovic Claudepierre, Pierre-Yves Peneau, Damien Hardy and Erven Rohou
14:30 - 15:30pm
Keynote 2:
A Journey Through Android App Analysis: Solutions and Open Challenges
- Jacques Klein, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg